The Heart of Life

Sunday, September 20, 2015
by Muhammad Haekal
Comments (11)
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That's life..And That's Love.. Maybe u can call it Fate. It simple script that is written by Him. He writes yours too. And You ll find yours soon or later. Just let it go and flow. When the day come ..u ll realize .. you have the best plot ever. :D
sip. insya Allah.
Thanks, fri -
Biasa....the last will answer everything, included the past feeling....insyaAllah, you will find the best that yours. #soktuaandsokpengalaman.
haha. sipp, juza!
insya Allah.
thanks -
:D Live and learn, love and laugh often. Thank God, it's life.
Yeah. I agree, bro :)
Sukses IELTS nya, kal! *komen sedikit OOT :D
hahahahaha. gpp. makasih ya ana
Excellent writing, are you on IELTS test project? Good luck, dude! :-)
yop. alhamdulillah
sip. insya Allah.
thanks bang